Hashtags act as a filter option when evaluating entries and help automate your workload. Do you want to view all the entries of your #regular customers or quickly see the orders that have already been #billed? Then using tags is exactly what you need.
As an admin, you can create hashtags under Data administration> Hashtags and thus predefine them for your employees, which will then be suggested directly when a time entry is made. This way, you avoid ambiguities and errors that would arise when using individually created hashtags. Define the name of the hashtag and click on Save to create a new hashtag.
In order to facilitate the filtering of entries in the project time recording, you must first assign the desired hashtag in the next step. You can do this with project time recording, duty scheduling, appointment scheduling, task scheduling, and availabilities and attendances.
In the Project Time Tracking menu, go to the Overview. Click on a project and then on “Add tags“. A drop down menu will appear from which you can choose from the tags you have already created. Click on “Submit” to select the hashtag.
You can use hashtags on time entries and expenses in addition to projects.
Text blocks act as shortcuts for recurring notes so you don’t have to type them again.
Under Data administration > Text blocks you can create a new text block by clicking on the plus symbol. Enter the search term, content and optionally notes. For example, you can create a text module for the search term “11” to save you having to constantly enter “Note the invoice in the attachment.”
Once you have created your text block under Data Administration, you can assign them to projects. To do this, click on the project and then on the icon with the overlapping sheets. In the search function, enter the search term or code for the note to be added automatically. Click on Update when you are done.
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