Configure Microsoft Azure AD with TimeTrack and manage your accounts with Single Sign On!
The Microsoft Azure AD integration allows you to access your TimeTrack account after the Single Sign On authentication on your Microsoft Azure Active Directory. As an admin, you control who has access to TimeTrack and you can manage all TimeTrack accounts from your Microsoft Azure account.
Learn more about Microsoft Azure Single Sign On.
Suitable for:
Small business owners, freelancers and founders.
4. Edit the first field “Basic SAML configuration”.
5. Open your TimeTrack account and go to Settings > General > Integration > Microsoft Azure Active Directory > New Configuration.
6. In Azure Active Directory, from the “Set up TimeTrack” field, copy the URL for the login.
7. From the SAML Signing Certificate field, copy the fingerprint.
8. Enter the URL and fingerprint from Azure into TimeTrack.
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Now you need to enter appropriate values for the mapping for Azure Attributes / Claims.
As a user, you will need permission to log into TimeTrack using Microsoft Azure.
Once you are logged into your Microsoft Azure account, there is no need to log into TimeTrack separately. Your TimeTrack login window should now say “Log in with Azure AD.” Admins can always log in without the Microsoft Azure.