How to Master the Organised Time Technique#Time management 10. February 2023/by Valentine Chukwu/7 min readHave you ever felt some days had come and gone with little or nothing to show for the time spent at work? Or do you feel you can’t keep up with your workload anymore? Feeling overwhelmed happens to everyone, with 80% of global knowledge workers feeling overwhelmed. Say hello to the Organised Time Technique! When it’s been one too many deadlines, pressure to perform, unclear procedures and lack of clarity – it’s time to get organised and adopt a new time strategy. The Organised Time Technique is all about keeping your life running like clockwork. The technique originated from author, Gemma Bray. It’s her unique method of time management for an organised and focused lifestyle that plays to your strengths and makes time for things that are most important to you. Make the Organised Time Technique work for you What is the Organised Time Technique? The Organised Time Technique: How to Get Your Life Running Like Clockwork, is a book written by Gemma Bray. Gemma Bray’s method provides an innovative strategy which involves breaking down your day into different organised time slots to create space for your hobbies and give you free time for a side business. The Organised Time Technique provides the headspace and essential tools to create a suitable framework for your life. This means you will know what you need to know, do what you need to do, and do it at the right time. According to the book, the technique focuses on completing essential tasks on time, creating space and organising time for important things like a side business or a new hobby, and getting rid of overwhelming activities. The Organised Time Technique provides you with a smart method for organising your business, family time, after-school activities, and even how much sleep you need! We can’t organise our time without learning how to track our time. When it comes to efficient time tracking, effective time-tracking tools are a must-have. Such tools help organisations to manage resources and meet customer demands. Yet companies with no transparent solution for time tracking can have their accounts department waste precious time on manual transcription. Time Track Timesheet saves time by automatically creating this data and allowing import into the accounting system. TimeTrack Timesheet and a terminal clock Implement the Organised Time Technique The Organised Time Technique encourages everyone to break down their day into 30-minute slots and consider time tokens. Time tokens represent task categories based on importance. There are basically three or more levels of tokens. The level 1 token represents non-negotiable activities, which include eating, sleeping and bathing. Level 2 tokens represent essential activities, including going to work, shopping for groceries, etc. The level 3 tokens (including level 3 me time) represent the things you want to do. This will include taking a walk, working on your passion project, experimenting with recipes, reading a book or getting a haircut. The author acknowledges that this creative method for organising your activities is a balanced approach to taking control of your life and ensuring self-care. This is because you can’t just pull time out of a hat and taking on additional tasks impacts your daily routine. In all you do, you must stay in your area of strength and remain focused on achieving your plans. Avoid perfection at all costs and simply get the task done. Staying focused helps you complete the most important tasks first. It will also help you in determining where in your list of activities you could do something differently to reclaim time. Excellent efficiency with the Organised Time Technique Productivity is about getting more effective results within the desired time frame and completing tasks with little need for significant changes. When done right, voila! Your efficiency increases. Following the steps laid out in the Organised Time Technique helps you to craft a framework that suits your specific needs. Identify your time-suckers While it may be clear that you feel overwhelmed, it can be difficult to know why you are struggling. Is it anxiety over deadlines? Tiredness from not sleeping? Stress from careless mistakes on your last project? When you feel overwhelmed and need to take a moment to regroup, it’s time to identify time-wasters. Applying the Organised Time Technique will help you pinpoint these time culprits. In the book, the author points out the need for different levels of tokens based on their importance. Try to record your activities in a time journal. You can order the items based on preference, urgency, and importance. This will assist you in eliminating all the activities that consume your time with little or no return on investment. It’s also a clever way of tracking your time usage to boost overall efficiency. Set realistic goals Without defining your destination, you will rarely know if you are on the right track. Setting realistic goals will help you clearly understand how much time you have and the activities you must manage within that timeframe. This goal-setting is important in the face of being overwhelmed, and it will help you filter tasks that are not worth your time. Common sense tells us that clear goals will help eliminate any counterproductive attitude towards project completion. Also, learn to celebrate your little achievements using the done list. Be mean with prioritisation Assuming you still have issues managing your time efficiently, identify time-wasters based on the importance of the tasks you have to perform. Once you have established key tasks that will help you achieve your goals, start prioritising. Avoid making your goals look like a shopping list. If all goals are priorities, you have no priorities and risk choice paralysis. The Organised Time Technique recommends focusing on tasks you need to get rid of by placing them on a scale of priority. Eliminate unimportant tasks and focus on categorising non-negotiable tasks first. This is followed by the most important tasks and then the essential tasks. Then, align these tasks with your areas of strength and have fun completing them! Avoid multitasking One of the easiest ways to become inefficient at completing your tasks is to jump from task to task. This context-switching overloads your brain just like a browser with too many open tabs. However, when completing all-important tasks, you must give them your full attention to limit errors and enhance performance. You can block out time or batch your tasks to increase efficiency. Time-blocking, where you complete tasks in a limited amount of time, and task batching, where you focus only on a series of similar tasks, are smart methods to assist you in completing your tasks faster. Eat the frog The Eat The Frog time management technique helps you focus on the most important and valuable tasks first, especially first thing in the morning. This sets you up for high performance and success for the rest of the day. Another important time management technique is the rapid planning method, which keeps you result-oriented and productive. The method helps to break down tasks, give shape to your work, map out time against each task, and ensure a back-up plan. Keep distractions at bay One of the best ways to ensure you apply the Organised Time Technique is to eliminate distractions. A good way to start is to avoid social media in the morning, switch on your phone’s airplane mode, and disable desktop notifications. Time management tools that work If efficiency is important to your organisation, get rid of repetitive and time-consuming tasks. Efficient time tracking keeps you and your employees accountable for resource use. This involves accounting for how employees use their time, including breaks. TimeTrack Attendance Tracking helps you track how often an employee takes breaks, keeping you informed about the length of breaks and efficient time use. TimeTrack Attendance Tracking Conclusion Time is a valuable commodity for everyone. Use the Organised Time Technique to identify grey areas, prioritise tasks, and focus on completing non-negotiable work first. Valentine ChukwuI am a researcher, writer, and self-published author. Over the last 9 years, I have dedicated my time to delivering unique content to startups and non-governmental organizations and have covered several topics, including wellness, technology, and entrepreneurship. I am now passionate about how time efficiency affects productivity, business performance, and profitability. 1335 2000 Valentine Chukwu Valentine Chukwu2023-02-10 13:00:362025-01-20 21:20:06How to Master the Organised Time TechniqueYou might also like Agenda Item Planning for Maximum Efficiency Do’s and Don’ts of Time Management: Are You Spending Your Time Effectively? Beware the Perfectionism Trap Time Management Quick Wins How to Overcome a Work Time Thief Mastering Time Allocation for Optimal Productivity 5 Super Time Management Theories to be Super Productive! Time Mapping: An Innovative Approach to Time Management